Rueda De Casino El Dedo

Casino Rueda Instructional Video Clip. Similar to El Dedo, but on 5 while leading the follow around, back step and pull the follow's arm over your shoulders.Then grab the follow around the waist and lead the follow around for an eight count.

Guapeais the name of the basic step in open position. Most rueda figures start from this position, but a few start when the partners are side by side. For example “dame una”, where you start the figure side by side by turning to the next partner.

Closed position

Open position
– guapea


Open positionside by side

Rueda caminando

  • dos con Cuba sin soltar – se fue
  • paseito caminando
  • Tumba Francesa complicado


… con Bamboleo

llevala a …

  • amistad > llevala a Bayamo
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sale tu

= you go out



el dedo con guarapo y bota

= “el dedo” with “guarapo” and “bota” (= the finger with a neckless and kick)


enchufla contra Mambo

= “enchufla” with counter Mambo

The figure may also be called “enchufla contra Mambo square” or “enchufla contra Mambo cajón” to emphasize the fact that both the leader and follower should be moving in a square/box/caja while doing the contra mambo part.

Creator : Nikola Medic



enchufla para hombres

= “enchufla” for men (‘connect her’ for men)


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= undecided


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ocho para mujeres

= ‘ocho’ (eight) for women


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Pedro Navaja

= male character from the song Pedro Navaja (by Ruben Blades)

por mi por ti


= for me for you



= small salsa dancer (female)


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setenta por las manos

= “setenta” with the hands (seventy with the hands)


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toma electrica

= electrical circuit


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toma electrica complicada

= complicated “toma electrica” (complicated electrical circuit)


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OPEN POSITION – side by side

una pa´mi, una pa´ti

= one for me, one for you


dame dos con Cuba

= give me two with Cuba



  • dos con Cuba sin soltar – se fue
  • paseito caminando
  • Tumba Francesa complicado


… con Bamboleo

Rueda De Casino El Dedos

patin con Bamboleo

El Dedo Rueda De Casino

= “patin” with Bamboleo (Cuban timba band)


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patineta con Bamboleo

= “patineta” with Bamboleo (Cuban timba band)


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patineta y patin con Bamboleo

= “patineta” and “patin” with Bamboleo (Cuban timba band)


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