Epiphone Casino Feedback


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Epiphone Casino Feedback Games

Hi, I felt in love with the Casino model from Epiphone. There's 2 of them at the local store, a natural transparent finish (awesome looking!) and all-black/ebony one (classy looking!) The natural one was built @ Epiphone new Chinese factory. The Black one is korean-made. The Casino and Dot difference lies in their neck construction, as the Dot has a thinner neck when compared to the Casino. Although the Casino is affordable for guitarists, the Dot is more affordable than the Casino. The Epiphone Casino. The Casino Coupe is the iconic hollowbody Casino reborn in a smaller, comfortable ES-339 body size. Featuring Epiphone's Dogear P-90T Classic™ single-coil pickups, a Mahogany neck, and vintage styled. Our Man Lee Wrathe takes a a close look at the guitar designed for modern blues maestro Gary Clark JR, this Epiphone Casino is fitted with Gibson USA P90 pic. The Epiphone Casino Coupe is an excellent guitar that comes at a very good price. It produces a fantastic sound packed in a compact size and offers a ton of great features ideal for both beginners and intermediate users.